I finished the Solomon's knot shawl which I think looks nice as it is but I wanted to see what it looked like with a bit of a fringe or tassels or whatever you wish to call them.
The fringe was easy and quick to complete. I'm not going to try to write down how I did them just watch this Youtube Video it will give you the right idea.
I only wanted thin tassels so I used two strands of yarn for each tassel which makes 4 strand tassels. This was enough for the look I wanted.
The fringe was easy and quick to complete. I'm not going to try to write down how I did them just watch this Youtube Video it will give you the right idea.
I only wanted thin tassels so I used two strands of yarn for each tassel which makes 4 strand tassels. This was enough for the look I wanted.
Click Here for shawl without the tassels and a link to the shawl pattern. Feel free to let me know if you think the shawl looks better with or without tassels.
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