A while back I fell in love with the tiny hats I made for the Crochet Santa Minion and the Crochet Snowmen . I had a great urge to make more this year but I want to make a LOT so I wanted to find an easier and quicker way than crochet. Here it is: I think these would be a great crafts for kids where they could choose whatever colour Yarn strips they want to make funky coloured hats! To make these hats you need: Yarn (I used some scrap Yarn in holiday colours but any colour would look awesome) Scissors Tape measure/ruler Toilet roll or kitchen roll Cotton balls First cut the toilet roll or kitchen roll into Just under 1 inch pieces and cut the Yarn into approx 12 inch strips. For one hat I used 1 piece of toilet roll and between 40-60 strips of Yarn (depending on the Yarn thickness). Next tie Larks head knots with the Yarn all the way around the toilet roll, here's how: Take a piece of Yarn put the two ends together to fold the Yarn in half....