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Saturday, 5 September 2015

First Try at Spinning!

My good friend Sarah, her son and I went away to Scotland recently. It was a nice time away, the cottage we stayed in was awesome, the view was amazing. There were young cows surrounding us...if you know me you know I love cows!

Sarah brought a gift for me to try out whilst we were there; a spindle and some fibre. I have never even considered spinning before but I love to learn new things. Here is the spindle and a bit of the fibre that I was given:

It is Fondant Fibre- White Faced Woodland (Rare Breed Collection) not sure how many grams I got but there was quite a lot in the bag.

My first go at spinning wasn't so great the yarn was really thick and most of it was over spun. It is that thick that it will have to stay as a single:

My second try was slightly better. This try I managed to get thinner bits, however it varies in thickness massively, this one will be kept as a single:

My third go was a lot better, much thinner and less varied in thickness. I'm quite proud of this yarn and unlike the first two goes I should be able to make a two ply yarn with this one:

So far I am quite enjoying spinning, it is taking me a very long time to make the thin yarn though (I do not have a lot of time to spare). Not sure if this is because I am new and slow or if it takes a long time to spin in general. There is not enough of the two singles to make anything so I will just keep them and compare them to my next spinning failures tries... I haven't measured the yardage as this was just to have a play, maybe next time.

I'm looking forward to trying some different coloured fibre which Sarah has posted to me. Spoiled much? Apparently some of the coloured fibre is quite sheddy so that will be a messy few days!

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