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Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Hamster DIY- Hanging Seed Treat

Just a quick post about a new DIY treat that I have given to Tim. It entertained him for ages!

The treat is just made with birdseed, flour and water. It's very easy to make and doesn't take long. It took longer for Tim to destroy the treat than it did for me to make it, that's saying something!

For Tim I put them on his Kabob:

I made some for my friends little pets, these I put on some string:

I do apologise for the quality of these next pictures my phone does not pick up Tim very well when he is moving around.

What is this?
(I only give Tim one at a time as they are quite big and knowing Tim he would eat them all in one go)


Can I reach it better from up here?


The idea is not my own please see This Awesome YouTuber ( that even a real word?). Her videos are very entertaining with some great pet ideas. Click Here for video instructions on how to make the Seedy Treat.

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