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Monday, 24 February 2014

DIY Easy Porcelain Decorating

My dad has been using a shot glass as an egg cup for a good few months  I thought I'd buy him a unique egg cup. However the only ones I could find were pretty boring; An excuse to get my craft on.

Searching on the internet I found out how to decorate porcelain easily and cheaply:

All I used was a sharpie pen which I already had around the house and an oven (which I already had around the house....).

I bought 2 plain white porcelain egg cups (they were pretty cheap). I purchased two because I can't draw for toffee, I needed a backup. All I did was grab the egg cup and a sharpie and get drawing. When my 'masterpiece' was finished I put it in the oven at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Voila unique egg cup.

As the first one turned out ok(ish) my boyfriend attacked the second one with Johnny Depp characters beause Depp is awesome. 

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